Sunday 2 November 2014

Model Ideas for front cover

After careful thinking about the Model type I will use, I have decided I will try and get TWO models into my front cover. One will be the traditional Fully grown adult/middle aged jazz musician and the other will be a youthful teen/20s young person. The reason I have thought of doing this is because jazz is a classic genre which was mainly popular in the early and mid 1900s. This will be represented by the older model and his dress code. The youthful model will be there to show off the ability of young people to be included into the genre. This is done to symbolize a new birth of the jazz genre and will show how jazz is far all ages, not just for the older generation.

So the clothes of each model will be very different, almost completely polarized. The elder model will be dressed in an old style suit with a historical style headgear like a fedora. This is to symbolize the 1920s and 30s in America, which was when Jazz was at the height of its popularity. The younger model will be dressed in clothing quite new and in style. This could include the likes of skinny jeans and a stylized shirt with sneakers or basketball hi-top trainers. This will be done to demonstrate the current generation and to show that the Jazz genre can have a rebirth into modern life.

I came up with this idea because all of the magazines for music I have seen only have models of one generation. Jazz is guilty due to most of the models being more mature and rarely ever being youthful or targeted at the younger generation.

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