Tuesday 4 November 2014

Double page spread research 2

After researching the contents page I can now look at possible Double page spreads.

This is the DPS from a September 1995 edition of the a jazz magazine I found. This to me seems better than the first one I found.

One reason towards this the idea of an image on the second page with texts embedded into it. This to me is a great idea as it makes the page seem more interesting while also being very informative. If there is a page just covered by an image it isn't always the best use of the space unless the story or case is too small to cover two pages.

The next point I like is the technique of placing the headings on completely separate lines to the other text. This makes the headings stand out a lot more. This could be good as it keeps the reader intrigued to see what the next section says. If you don't have enough text then this technique is also useful to help the text stretch over the required space.

One factor I feel I will not consider though is the point of placing an image right in the middle of a body of text half-way through. This I feel is not needed and can cause the page to look untidy and scruffy. If the page doesn't look organized then it lowers the appeal to readers.

1 comment:

  1. This would be better with cutaways to show your analysis.
