Monday 3 November 2014

Contents research 1

After deciding what my front cover will be like, I have decided to move onto what my contents page will look like.

This is my first contents page I will examine. This is from the Smooth Jazz magazine. The issue number and time is unknown.

This contents page has 26 separate topics covered o it with about 62 pages used. This contents also has a total of 6 images used on it. This would be classed as a very heavy contents page with lots of things covered.

One thing I noticed straight away is that the layout is mainly images at the top of the screen with a few small images posted next to the topics in which they are related to.

The colour scheme seems to just be bright colours for this contents page as all the main headings for different parts of the magazine are highlighted with a bright colour behind them. This appeals to me as it stands out quite brightly.

Another point in which I like about this is how the contents page is split into two columns and there is also like a very smooth flow from one column to the next.

One thing I have to criticize is the font type of the numbers. It isn't very clear to me and this for me brings across a negative feeling. If it was a different font where part of it wasn't so thin then I might not have a problem with it.

How I would apply these to my contents page is the fact that I may use the idea of two columns if I have enough topics to do. I may also use the idea of colour highlights to show where the Magazine splits into separate categories.

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