Friday 7 November 2014

Icons and symbolism

There are multiple icons in the jazz genre in which I can implement:

The saxophone - a classic instrument which if seen automatically links to jazz, this could be implemented into images or as a small image near the edge of the page. It could be used as a pug.

Smokey room - This is a vintage and traditional environment in which jazz was usually done in. This would back in the 1920s and 30s to demonstrate at the golden age between WWI and WWII before the Wall Street Crash. This could be implemented as an effect in images or on the front cover.

Suits - Traditional jazz players wore suits to look their best, also as that was the fashion back in the prime of the jazz genre. This could implemented as a costume easily.

Cultures - The African-American culture was the main culture to kickstart the jazz genre. So holds a special place in Jazz history. This would be more difficult to implement, but is possible in the way of models being of an African-American origin.

These are some of the more common icons in jazz and are the most likely for me to try and include in the making of my magazine.

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