Monday 3 November 2014

Contents research 2

After deciding what my front cover will be like, I have decided to move onto what my contents page will look like.

This is the second contents page I will examine. This is a contents page for a fictional jazz magazine by a designer from the site behance. The image can be seen here.

This contents page has about 20 topics covered on about 95 pages. There are also 4 images on the page. This is will be about average for depth of the contents page but this one covers 2 pages.

 This is a very good contents as it is very basic. I like the idea of having the heading of the pages being in a bright colour instead of being black as this makes it stand out more from the rest of the text. I could implement this as a possible idea as it adds professionalism to the contents page.

Another fact I like is the idea of images being implemented into basic geometric shapes. This is because it makes them a little more interesting to look at and also has a hint of modernism with it. This can be seen on the top middle of the image where there is text 'win a tenor 54 sax'.

One part I definitely do not like how there is so much white space though. The white space comes across as plain. This can be solved by adding a colour or tint of a colour to give it more person.

Ideas I can implement into my contents page from this include the idea of cropping a photo into a shape to give it more appeal instead of just a rectangle. I will make sure not to leave a lot of white space as this looks plain and a colour might be used for this case.

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