Friday 7 November 2014

Finalised planning ideas

After all the research I have done I have come up with a final list of things in which I will include.

Front Cover:

  • Mast head is 'Sax in the city'
  • Font is Graphite Std
  • 1/4 of page is masthead size
  • Puffs will be included next to small images with the page number in.
  • Pugs include the price, date and issue number at the top just above the mast head. The barcode at the bottom right corner.
  • No banners
  • Colour scheme is blue and grey and other related colours (Eg. cyan and black and white)
  • Photo should be medium or long shot.
  • Cover stories should be kept to 2 or 3.
Contents page:

  • 2 columns
  • Use photos at the top of the page or at the bottom with a page number next to them.
  • Use some smaller photos embedded into a geometric shape.
  • Highlight the heading texts with colour scheme related colours.
  • Use a professional font.
  • Keep the Pages in order.
  • 2 Pages long.
  • Cover 20 topics with 60 pages.
  • Use about 3-6 images possibly more if needed.
Double Page Spread:

  • If the text is to describe use one font, if there is a sub heading change it, for every meaning to the text use a new font.
  • Quotes and such to be in italics
  • One big image. Used to give a rough idea of what the text is about.
  • If a big image can be embedded with text, do it.
  • Use colour on the page if it is appropriate.
  • Link topics together to be able to add more text.

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