Monday 3 November 2014

Contents research 3

After deciding what my front cover will be like, I have decided to move onto what my contents page will look like.
This contents page as about 19 topics covering about 60 pages. There is also 1 image included but is irrelevant to the contents page.

This is the February 2011 edition of Jazz inside magazine. This is a very basic and almost laughable version of a contents page.
The only part of this page in which is the contents is the right hand column. This is the contents and is too basic for much research. One thing I can take from this is that the problem with this contents is it doesn't follow with the page numbers. Some of the first few pages would be in the last category which make this a very messy contents page. 
I can take the fact that I must keep the page numbers in order for my contents page to be successful form this page.

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