Friday 7 November 2014

Locations for photoshoots

I have been thinking for a long time and have come up with a choice of possible locations for my Jazz photo shoot. These are decided on the actual genre and it's own characteristics and where about it would fit.

The list;

  • A Pub/Bar - This is a good choice as there are always small musical groups going into pubs and bars to perform to increase their prestige
  • In a outdoor performance area, like under a shelter in a market square - This is is possible choice as there is always groups playing and small events as well including farmers markets and the such.
  • On a stage - Its music. Music has always been played on a stage. So why wouldn't it fit?
  • On a bridge - There are multiple ways in which a bridge can be a good location. Jazz is known as one of the most secluded genres, being played on bridges at night and under bridges as well. If I were to get a photo of the model on a bridge with the town in the background, then tat would definitely be a good choice for a picture.
  • In a music studio - These are always good when the musician is just practising and messing with something to create something new.
These would be the pacs I am most likely to choose to take photos as they are the most appropriate.

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