Tuesday 4 November 2014

Double page spread research 1

After researching the contents page I can now look at possible Double page spreads.

This is the double page spread from the February 2011 edition of Jazz Inside. This is a good DPS as there is different fonts being used throughout the whole of the spread. This is split between different areas of texts, so headings would be different from the main body text and quotes. This to me is good as it differentiates the text and makes it all seem more understandable.

Another good point about the pages is that there is an image in the bottom left corner. This to me shows that the image is used to be recognized as part of the subject instead of being placed to cover a whole page. This also doesn't class as being a filler then to prevent there being an area of free space.

One thing I do not like is the amount of text in the page spread. This is because this could put people off of my age as the younger generation like to see images more and lengthy texts less. This could be considered for my DPS when it comes to creating the spread.

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