Tuesday 4 November 2014

Double page spread research 3

After researching the contents page I can now look at possible Double page spreads.

This is the DPS of a proposed recreation of the jazz festival magazine in Glasgow. This is a unique one as the actual magazine doesn't exist yet. But we can still analyze it.

The first point I would like to make about this spread is the idea of having text scattered on the page inside geometric shapes. This is a good idea as it spreads the text out on the page making cover more space than if it was just done in columns on the page. This is also quite creative and uncommon so young people will be more willing to look and read it.

The second point is the colour on the page. The main colour on the page is a blue hue but the colour is also altered by the idea of having the geometric shapes on the page be a yellow hue. This is good as it is basic and appealing to younger people as bright colours appear fun.

The one problem I have with these pages the idea of having the bottom half of one page being nothing but advertisements. I find this to be a bit of a waste of space as so much could have gone there, but the space is taken up by adverts. I would take this into account by only having a small corner as an advert or none on the double page spread at all.

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