Friday 21 November 2014

Alterations to Masthead

After some Target Audience research, I have found out that my masthead wasn't the best and had to change it. My new masthead will be called 'Quarter to Sax'. I chose this because I retook  a survey I made and found that Quarter to Sax was a popular favourite. This choice was also good because was almost the same letter count as the previous choice of masthead which is  not going to alter the magazine too much.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Evaluation of progress so far.

After all the work I have done for my Jazz magazine, I have evaluated what I have done and what I haven't yet.

Content which is of satisfaction but could be improved once all work is done includes;
  • General Research
  • Front cover research
  • Contents page research
  • DPS research
  • Actors and models
My Presentation has been good and Time management has been quite good as well.

Work which has to be completed now includes;
  • Potential TA has not been looked at.
  • TA Analysis has not been monitored
  • Costume and make up
  • Props
  • Layouts/drafts of pages have not had a post yet.
The first part in which I will focus on will be TA analysis and profile. This is because the TA are very important and if I cannot have a TA profile I won't be able to attract customers and readers.

Costume, make up and Props will be done after because they are already done and just need typing up. They will be done afterwards because the TA research might change what I do.

Friday 14 November 2014

Costume/Make up

During my photo shoots I will make sure I use the perfect costume and appropriate make up.

Because my genre is Jazz, it would be good to have a variety of clothing but it would all be with a formality to it, suits are good for jazz but it can also be something as casual as a polo shirt and jeans or light dress. This is because they are reflects of the vintage times when jazz was at it's peak.

Make-up wise I don't want to use a lot of make up as I feel too much could damage the image of the model. I will use foundation and basic enhancement make up like lipstick and eye shadow. This is so it enhances the facial features without making them too artificial.

After the first photo shoot

During the first shoot it was quite fun and really discovered a few ways in which I can help others in multiple ways. I was able to get to grips with the basics of helping direct where people where meant to be. After photography was done with my male model, I moved on to et photos with my female model.

Before I took photos of my female model, I was assisting other people around in the shoot. One group needed props and costumes being sorted for them. I was able to help them with them and help them decide how to pose. After all this was done, I found my female model was ready to take the photos. We took roughly around 35 photos today to see what we can choose. A lot had no problems with, but there will definitely be the one where I will need to consider not using due to level of quality. Personally, I believe today's photo shoot was successful.

I was able to get all my photos onto a slidely to display click here to see the slidely

Organisation of models

For the first photo shoot, I have two different models. These models are complete opposites and will e interesting to use as each will represent the idea of the jazz genre not being dead.

One is an elderly male which has history in the jazz industry, he is god as in the DPS  will be needing to reference a professional jazz musician to help with the subject I will be doing.

The other is a 16 year old female which will show that there is a chance for the genre to be revived to the youth.

Other models which are a possibility for future photo shoots are another 16 year old female and possibly a few 16 and 17 year old males. These will demonstrate the amount of people who really get involved into the genre of jazz.

Organisation of Equipment

The equipment I will need for the upcoming photo shoot include cameras and soft boxes.

I was able to get hold of two different cameras in which I will use for varying quality and different photo styles.

One is the Nikon D7000 which is a high quality camera. Better for the action and shots and more complicated shot which are out there. With this i will use a Prime 35mm lens. I will use this lens because it will give me high quality but also so I don't have to control the zoom and i can just move around for that.

The other camera is a LUMIX DMC FZ62. This are middle to entry level tier cameras which are good for basic images due to the basic nature of this camera. I will also use a UV 25mm lens.

Photo shoot plan 1

This past week I planned to do a photo shoot on friday 14th November 2014.

This photo shot would include two models. An elderly Male which was previously and still is a member of a jazz band. I also have a 16 year old female friend of mine to do the opposite sex.

The location of my photo shoot would be the drama studio as there are many things I could do to interact with the model in the studio. I also believe that the drama studio would be better because I will be able to get multiple lighting affects involved as well.

The costume in which would take is different for each model.
I have a traditional and almost vintage Jumper suit which is in a green style colour for the male model. this is good as since the model is of an older age it will reflect his elderhood and portray him as being from the older generation of jazz players. the costume I have for the female model is a fitted black dress with a black fedora. This is good as it takes inspiration from the older fashion for jazz musicians of the female gender from the time. It also has a modern twist with the dress being fitted. I believe this will be good as darker colours showed the class of jazz players, so since it is black, it can't get much darker.

The props I will be using are a trumpet and a saxophone. the trumpet will be for the male model and the saxophone will be for the female model. This is done so that each model will be linked to the jazz genre if you exclude their clothing. I believe that i will also e able to get some action shots with these props if I can which will look good as well!

Any make-up which will be used include foundation and red lipstick on the female model as it will help enhance the model making them look more photo friendly.

Friday 7 November 2014

Icons and symbolism

There are multiple icons in the jazz genre in which I can implement:

The saxophone - a classic instrument which if seen automatically links to jazz, this could be implemented into images or as a small image near the edge of the page. It could be used as a pug.

Smokey room - This is a vintage and traditional environment in which jazz was usually done in. This would back in the 1920s and 30s to demonstrate at the golden age between WWI and WWII before the Wall Street Crash. This could be implemented as an effect in images or on the front cover.

Suits - Traditional jazz players wore suits to look their best, also as that was the fashion back in the prime of the jazz genre. This could implemented as a costume easily.

Cultures - The African-American culture was the main culture to kickstart the jazz genre. So holds a special place in Jazz history. This would be more difficult to implement, but is possible in the way of models being of an African-American origin.

These are some of the more common icons in jazz and are the most likely for me to try and include in the making of my magazine.


The models I will possibly be using are 2 models.

 One will be a young adult which will symbolise the youth of the jazz genre, and an older man who has been in the genre as a musician for many ears. This combination will show diversity of the jazz genre. I can increase this by including a female friend who could possibly model for me. She will be able to symbolise the unisex diversity of the genre.

These will be involved on the front cover but the elderly male and young female will be included as the main mage and the young male will be used as an image for a cover story. This will also be done as the two males and the female as the cover story. This will be decided upon availability.

Costumes will be different for each model. the more mature male will be dressed in a vintage suit to symbolise the tradition of jazz. The younger male will also be wearing formal clothing, but with a modern twist. This could come in the shape of a different coloured suit or no tie or unique shirt. The female model will be dressed in a traditional dress which would have been used in the jazz genre as a typical costume.

Finalised planning ideas

After all the research I have done I have come up with a final list of things in which I will include.

Front Cover:

  • Mast head is 'Sax in the city'
  • Font is Graphite Std
  • 1/4 of page is masthead size
  • Puffs will be included next to small images with the page number in.
  • Pugs include the price, date and issue number at the top just above the mast head. The barcode at the bottom right corner.
  • No banners
  • Colour scheme is blue and grey and other related colours (Eg. cyan and black and white)
  • Photo should be medium or long shot.
  • Cover stories should be kept to 2 or 3.
Contents page:

  • 2 columns
  • Use photos at the top of the page or at the bottom with a page number next to them.
  • Use some smaller photos embedded into a geometric shape.
  • Highlight the heading texts with colour scheme related colours.
  • Use a professional font.
  • Keep the Pages in order.
  • 2 Pages long.
  • Cover 20 topics with 60 pages.
  • Use about 3-6 images possibly more if needed.
Double Page Spread:

  • If the text is to describe use one font, if there is a sub heading change it, for every meaning to the text use a new font.
  • Quotes and such to be in italics
  • One big image. Used to give a rough idea of what the text is about.
  • If a big image can be embedded with text, do it.
  • Use colour on the page if it is appropriate.
  • Link topics together to be able to add more text.

Mood board

To help me with my final decisions I decided to get a mood board set up to give me inspiration. This can help me by showing me what can be used and what styles/themes are linked with jazz.

Locations for photoshoots

I have been thinking for a long time and have come up with a choice of possible locations for my Jazz photo shoot. These are decided on the actual genre and it's own characteristics and where about it would fit.

The list;

  • A Pub/Bar - This is a good choice as there are always small musical groups going into pubs and bars to perform to increase their prestige
  • In a outdoor performance area, like under a shelter in a market square - This is is possible choice as there is always groups playing and small events as well including farmers markets and the such.
  • On a stage - Its music. Music has always been played on a stage. So why wouldn't it fit?
  • On a bridge - There are multiple ways in which a bridge can be a good location. Jazz is known as one of the most secluded genres, being played on bridges at night and under bridges as well. If I were to get a photo of the model on a bridge with the town in the background, then tat would definitely be a good choice for a picture.
  • In a music studio - These are always good when the musician is just practising and messing with something to create something new.
These would be the pacs I am most likely to choose to take photos as they are the most appropriate.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Musician update

After researching local jazz musicians I have finally found a musician from the name of John Thompson.  This can help my double page spread as I can use the interview with him to expand on other subjects. This could potentially lead onto many other subjects in the spread.

Institutions Research

I have created a new magazine for an emerging genre - Jazz. Bauer Media do not have a Jazz magazine for the 16 - 20 age group TA. Therefore i have been looking at the institution Bauer as i believe they would best produce and distribute my magazine.

Additional reasons:
1. They conduct research with my TA

2. They are looking for new ideas and magazine genres
3. They are cross media and can promote my magazine online and on social media.

4. They already successfully promote Mojo and Q
5. They are interested in niche audiences eg Steam railway.

I have been impressed with the Bauer website:

and feel they offer my magazine the best chance for regional, national and global distribution.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Double page spread research 3

After researching the contents page I can now look at possible Double page spreads.

This is the DPS of a proposed recreation of the jazz festival magazine in Glasgow. This is a unique one as the actual magazine doesn't exist yet. But we can still analyze it.

The first point I would like to make about this spread is the idea of having text scattered on the page inside geometric shapes. This is a good idea as it spreads the text out on the page making cover more space than if it was just done in columns on the page. This is also quite creative and uncommon so young people will be more willing to look and read it.

The second point is the colour on the page. The main colour on the page is a blue hue but the colour is also altered by the idea of having the geometric shapes on the page be a yellow hue. This is good as it is basic and appealing to younger people as bright colours appear fun.

The one problem I have with these pages the idea of having the bottom half of one page being nothing but advertisements. I find this to be a bit of a waste of space as so much could have gone there, but the space is taken up by adverts. I would take this into account by only having a small corner as an advert or none on the double page spread at all.

Double page spread research 2

After researching the contents page I can now look at possible Double page spreads.

This is the DPS from a September 1995 edition of the a jazz magazine I found. This to me seems better than the first one I found.

One reason towards this the idea of an image on the second page with texts embedded into it. This to me is a great idea as it makes the page seem more interesting while also being very informative. If there is a page just covered by an image it isn't always the best use of the space unless the story or case is too small to cover two pages.

The next point I like is the technique of placing the headings on completely separate lines to the other text. This makes the headings stand out a lot more. This could be good as it keeps the reader intrigued to see what the next section says. If you don't have enough text then this technique is also useful to help the text stretch over the required space.

One factor I feel I will not consider though is the point of placing an image right in the middle of a body of text half-way through. This I feel is not needed and can cause the page to look untidy and scruffy. If the page doesn't look organized then it lowers the appeal to readers.

Double page spread research 1

After researching the contents page I can now look at possible Double page spreads.

This is the double page spread from the February 2011 edition of Jazz Inside. This is a good DPS as there is different fonts being used throughout the whole of the spread. This is split between different areas of texts, so headings would be different from the main body text and quotes. This to me is good as it differentiates the text and makes it all seem more understandable.

Another good point about the pages is that there is an image in the bottom left corner. This to me shows that the image is used to be recognized as part of the subject instead of being placed to cover a whole page. This also doesn't class as being a filler then to prevent there being an area of free space.

One thing I do not like is the amount of text in the page spread. This is because this could put people off of my age as the younger generation like to see images more and lengthy texts less. This could be considered for my DPS when it comes to creating the spread.

Monday 3 November 2014

Contents research 3

After deciding what my front cover will be like, I have decided to move onto what my contents page will look like.
This contents page as about 19 topics covering about 60 pages. There is also 1 image included but is irrelevant to the contents page.

This is the February 2011 edition of Jazz inside magazine. This is a very basic and almost laughable version of a contents page.
The only part of this page in which is the contents is the right hand column. This is the contents and is too basic for much research. One thing I can take from this is that the problem with this contents is it doesn't follow with the page numbers. Some of the first few pages would be in the last category which make this a very messy contents page. 
I can take the fact that I must keep the page numbers in order for my contents page to be successful form this page.

Contents research 2

After deciding what my front cover will be like, I have decided to move onto what my contents page will look like.

This is the second contents page I will examine. This is a contents page for a fictional jazz magazine by a designer from the site behance. The image can be seen here.

This contents page has about 20 topics covered on about 95 pages. There are also 4 images on the page. This is will be about average for depth of the contents page but this one covers 2 pages.

 This is a very good contents as it is very basic. I like the idea of having the heading of the pages being in a bright colour instead of being black as this makes it stand out more from the rest of the text. I could implement this as a possible idea as it adds professionalism to the contents page.

Another fact I like is the idea of images being implemented into basic geometric shapes. This is because it makes them a little more interesting to look at and also has a hint of modernism with it. This can be seen on the top middle of the image where there is text 'win a tenor 54 sax'.

One part I definitely do not like how there is so much white space though. The white space comes across as plain. This can be solved by adding a colour or tint of a colour to give it more person.

Ideas I can implement into my contents page from this include the idea of cropping a photo into a shape to give it more appeal instead of just a rectangle. I will make sure not to leave a lot of white space as this looks plain and a colour might be used for this case.

Contents research 1

After deciding what my front cover will be like, I have decided to move onto what my contents page will look like.

This is my first contents page I will examine. This is from the Smooth Jazz magazine. The issue number and time is unknown.

This contents page has 26 separate topics covered o it with about 62 pages used. This contents also has a total of 6 images used on it. This would be classed as a very heavy contents page with lots of things covered.

One thing I noticed straight away is that the layout is mainly images at the top of the screen with a few small images posted next to the topics in which they are related to.

The colour scheme seems to just be bright colours for this contents page as all the main headings for different parts of the magazine are highlighted with a bright colour behind them. This appeals to me as it stands out quite brightly.

Another point in which I like about this is how the contents page is split into two columns and there is also like a very smooth flow from one column to the next.

One thing I have to criticize is the font type of the numbers. It isn't very clear to me and this for me brings across a negative feeling. If it was a different font where part of it wasn't so thin then I might not have a problem with it.

How I would apply these to my contents page is the fact that I may use the idea of two columns if I have enough topics to do. I may also use the idea of colour highlights to show where the Magazine splits into separate categories.

Final Masthead ideas

After careful decisions and also some target audience research. I have chosen my masthead to be 'Sax in the city'. This is chosen because Jazz is quite an urban music genre and all the main places you hear jazz from are very urbanised. It also links to the famous American TV show 'Sex and the city'. This is good as this Tv show was quite popular in the current generation and this brings the idea of youthfulness to the magazine.
The chosen font is also Graphite Std. This is a sans-serif font which has some parts of the letters wider than others. This is good as it is quite a modern font.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Model Ideas for front cover

After careful thinking about the Model type I will use, I have decided I will try and get TWO models into my front cover. One will be the traditional Fully grown adult/middle aged jazz musician and the other will be a youthful teen/20s young person. The reason I have thought of doing this is because jazz is a classic genre which was mainly popular in the early and mid 1900s. This will be represented by the older model and his dress code. The youthful model will be there to show off the ability of young people to be included into the genre. This is done to symbolize a new birth of the jazz genre and will show how jazz is far all ages, not just for the older generation.

So the clothes of each model will be very different, almost completely polarized. The elder model will be dressed in an old style suit with a historical style headgear like a fedora. This is to symbolize the 1920s and 30s in America, which was when Jazz was at the height of its popularity. The younger model will be dressed in clothing quite new and in style. This could include the likes of skinny jeans and a stylized shirt with sneakers or basketball hi-top trainers. This will be done to demonstrate the current generation and to show that the Jazz genre can have a rebirth into modern life.

I came up with this idea because all of the magazines for music I have seen only have models of one generation. Jazz is guilty due to most of the models being more mature and rarely ever being youthful or targeted at the younger generation.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Jazz Musician

After searching for almost a week, I have found someone who could possibly help me in finding a jazz musician from the local area. This is good as if I can get a musician from North Lincolnshire, this makes the magazine have a more personal touch to the area. It will also give people from that area a sense of achievement.