Monday 20 October 2014

Research results so far.

After going through all the research I have done so far I have found multiple plans and possibilities for my magazine;

-Masthead needs to be at least 1/4 of the page in size.

-Colour schemes I have decided to use from my research are (Red and Black) (Black, white and yellow) and also (Blue and grey)

-Main image to be displayed on the front cover can be close up with grey scale or long shot with enhanced colour.

-The models I know I could use include a female model and two male models.

-The female pull I can use includes female models and a few articles which introduce female artists. 

-Puffs in which I could use would be small shapes with images of the artists embedded into them. This breaks a convention as there are normally no puffs on jazz magazines.

-Banners would be considered because they give a little extra information and also breaks a convention by 
having the banner as they normally aren't included.

-Strong cover lines as otherwise the front cover can get very confusing, therefor less appealing.

-Range of features should be considered as this makes the magazine more informative and also sticks to a convention.

-Pugs which will be included are a QR code for the young members and a barcode for the companies. These are likely to be located on the bottom right section of the cover.

-Layout for the Double Page spread will obviously have a lot of text, but i am considering having the text split up by a variety of images.

I have a list of  other parts I will research and these will help me have a much deeper understanding of this magazine.

Photographs (locations, models)

Male pull

Costumes/ props

features - need a variety

different poses for image

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