Wednesday 17 December 2014

TA Analysis

My target audience are young, diverse, multi-cultured teenagers of both sexes. To make sure that I appeal to the group, I will make sure that I look into representation. To do this, I will make sure that I use multi-media platforms, rather than just printed media. I will include websites, downloads and QR codes as well. The reasoning behind this is due to my group being young. They will not like it if they can only sit down and read, because they will get bored very quickly. Using these different media platforms allows the audience to change platform if they get bored.
I will also remember to use stereotypes to a certain extent. This is because although my target group will likely want to think, they will not want to sit and put a huge amount of thought into one thing. Doing this will put them off the magazine. Stereotypes I will keep include the young Jazz player. They will either wear a suit or a dress. An older player will still be formal but will not wear a suit. So I will be breaking the stereotype of older Jazz players.
One thing I have to remember is what Perkins said about stereotypes,"Stereotypes are not simple." When he says this, he means that stereotypes on a whole are very complex profiles given to a group of people used to collect them all together. For to break this in some aspects could cause people to portray as a different character altogether. One example of a stereotype is that all Rappers are African-American and are very hostile people.
The text I will create will also be as informative as possible. I understand the groups paying to be entertained, so although I will stay informative, I may exaggerate an odd thing here or there, this will make sure that the text is still entertaining while being informative.

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