Wednesday 31 December 2014

My Page Drafts

While I was creating my pages, I made sure that I mainly stuck to a rough draft so that I know what I need to put on each page and where everything needs to go.
This was my front cover draft. I kept to the draft reasonably well with the only alterations being to the colour scheme and the addition of an extra box on the right hand side for promotion of various parts of the magazine.
This is my Contents Page draft. After looking at my research, I decided on a double page contents due to the ability to include more content and to also give me more space to improve it's appeal to the eye.
Apart from a few alteration I kept to the draft really well. I included both highlighted and non-highlighted topocs andalso substituted the competiton on the left page for author's notes. I also added an area to subscribe to the magazine and which has sponsors as well.
This is my DPS draft. Surprisingly, I kept to the draft so well that only one alteration was made. The alteration was made to try and improve the flow of the whole page text, which it did very well. This was to add two quotes below the main image in the centre of the page. This broke up the text and made it flow better when people were reading it. I did not include a colour scheme for this page because I felt that the colour schemes from the other pages would just flow through to this one. After some careful work, I made this a reality.

When thinking how my drafts were useful to me, I took into account just how many alterations were made and how alike the pages both look. I also look into the idea of both the draft and product having a flow between them. This includes the draft having a basic feel, which is then improved once the real thing is finished. Overall, I feel like my drafts played a vital role in creating my pages. This is because the drafts are all basic plans which are can be classed as unfinished to a professional standard. These were then improved during the design stage, but still hold the basic form of the draft. Telling me that the drafts were good enough for me to work with.

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