Wednesday 31 December 2014

My Page Drafts

While I was creating my pages, I made sure that I mainly stuck to a rough draft so that I know what I need to put on each page and where everything needs to go.
This was my front cover draft. I kept to the draft reasonably well with the only alterations being to the colour scheme and the addition of an extra box on the right hand side for promotion of various parts of the magazine.
This is my Contents Page draft. After looking at my research, I decided on a double page contents due to the ability to include more content and to also give me more space to improve it's appeal to the eye.
Apart from a few alteration I kept to the draft really well. I included both highlighted and non-highlighted topocs andalso substituted the competiton on the left page for author's notes. I also added an area to subscribe to the magazine and which has sponsors as well.
This is my DPS draft. Surprisingly, I kept to the draft so well that only one alteration was made. The alteration was made to try and improve the flow of the whole page text, which it did very well. This was to add two quotes below the main image in the centre of the page. This broke up the text and made it flow better when people were reading it. I did not include a colour scheme for this page because I felt that the colour schemes from the other pages would just flow through to this one. After some careful work, I made this a reality.

When thinking how my drafts were useful to me, I took into account just how many alterations were made and how alike the pages both look. I also look into the idea of both the draft and product having a flow between them. This includes the draft having a basic feel, which is then improved once the real thing is finished. Overall, I feel like my drafts played a vital role in creating my pages. This is because the drafts are all basic plans which are can be classed as unfinished to a professional standard. These were then improved during the design stage, but still hold the basic form of the draft. Telling me that the drafts were good enough for me to work with.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

TA Analysis

My target audience are young, diverse, multi-cultured teenagers of both sexes. To make sure that I appeal to the group, I will make sure that I look into representation. To do this, I will make sure that I use multi-media platforms, rather than just printed media. I will include websites, downloads and QR codes as well. The reasoning behind this is due to my group being young. They will not like it if they can only sit down and read, because they will get bored very quickly. Using these different media platforms allows the audience to change platform if they get bored.
I will also remember to use stereotypes to a certain extent. This is because although my target group will likely want to think, they will not want to sit and put a huge amount of thought into one thing. Doing this will put them off the magazine. Stereotypes I will keep include the young Jazz player. They will either wear a suit or a dress. An older player will still be formal but will not wear a suit. So I will be breaking the stereotype of older Jazz players.
One thing I have to remember is what Perkins said about stereotypes,"Stereotypes are not simple." When he says this, he means that stereotypes on a whole are very complex profiles given to a group of people used to collect them all together. For to break this in some aspects could cause people to portray as a different character altogether. One example of a stereotype is that all Rappers are African-American and are very hostile people.
The text I will create will also be as informative as possible. I understand the groups paying to be entertained, so although I will stay informative, I may exaggerate an odd thing here or there, this will make sure that the text is still entertaining while being informative.

Target Audience

While designing my pages, I have been showing a control group of jazz fans of my age my work as it progresses. They then tell me their verdict on these pages and eventually brought me to a conclusion on the TA. The age of my target audience is 16 to 25. I can keep to this by using bright colours in certain areas to get their attention. I would also make sure that the magazine is unisex. This so that I have the biggest target audience as possible. If my target audience is diverse enough that gives the magazine enough of a chance to get sold. I would try and make sure that people with different lifestyles; including those with long working hours, unemployed or people who have only got a weak education. If I can implement enough diversity into my magazine, this magazine will be great for anyone who likes Jazz. Things in which I have to be cautious about though are making sure that nothing which is subjective or offensive to any religion or social group is used. As long as I keep to this, I should be fine!

Monday 8 December 2014

Front cover page so far

After working for so long I have completed the layout for my music magazine front cover. I have done this from my plan in which I have and will post in the future.
I have chosen the blue transparent banners because the background makes it very difficult to actually annotate to a certain extent. I then decided to add the blue banners, but they were too sharp and were drawing attention away from the photo. As a result I decided to make them transparent. This causes them to make it easier to type over the background but the banner isn't too sharp. The cover story at the bottom was able to stay opaque because the colour isn't bright enough to drag attention away. It would have looked weird as well if the photo involved with it was transparent so I kept that opaque and it works very well.

Friday 5 December 2014

Props used in Photoshoots.

To stay as minimalistic as possible when it comes to props, I have limited myself to three Jazz related props and one general prop.
The three Jazz props I have used are a cornet, a trumpet and a fedora. I have chsoen these as my desired props for multiple reasons, the cornet and the trumpet were chosen due to them being a hugely popular instrument in the Jazz industry. The cornet and saxophone are also used as symbolism of the industry because of their popularity. I have chosen the fedora due to it being part of the stereotype of a male or a female jazz player. Alot of jazz players did wear headwear like a flat cap or a fedora, so if I were to use a fedora it really bring that across. Fedoras are also linked to the prohibition perriod during the 1920s and early 1930s. With this being around the same time as the birth and spring in popularity of jazz, it seems appropriate to use fedoras to show their value.

I then decided on a chair to be my general prop. This was because using a chair I could get some interesting shots of my model. One in which being of her looking at the camera, facing the camera, while she is sitting on the chair backwards. Little subtle things like this can improve photos by a considerable amount so I decided to use a chair to take these shots and get the best I possibly could.

Reviewing my Third photo shoot

This was going to possibly be the final photo shoot as I have finally got a photo collection which is worthy of being on the front cover.This is a huge step in my coursework because it means that although I have been working b establishing the layout of the pages, I can now add the photos and edit these photos to perfection.
The photo shoot went extremely well as I got photos of my models i the local town and I was able to include some local highlight buildings in the background. I was even able to get a photo shoot in one of the local traditional pubs, which is great because pubs are a significant place in the history of jazz.
Overall, I am happy with ow the photo shoot went and can now continue with my progress to the point where I can near finishing my magazine soon.
All the photos from the photo shoot are on this slidely

Monday 1 December 2014

Third Photoshoot Plan

In two days, my third photo shoot will be taking place.
This one will e different to the others as this one will not be a studio shoot and will be inside the local town, Brigg. This is to add variation to my photos and to allow my models to be a little more natural. I will be going over some shots I already taken and applying a different environment to them to make sure that al my photos don't look the same.

I have 2 models for this shot, one male and one female. This is to add gender diversity and to create a blend which as two models because all my photos so far only had one model in, so I could improve some of the photos by having a second model in there.

Make up will be the same as the previous two, Foundation and red lipstick. Nothing which has a big impact on the model's face as I want to try and keep the faces as natural as possible. This adds to the character of the photos I believe.

Costumes are very similar as to the other ones I have done. My male model will be wearing a White shirt with Black formal trousers and a black fedora, this is to give him the smart but slightly casual touch in which I feel jazz is. My female model will be wearing White 3/4sleeve shirt and skinny trousers with a black scarf. This is to give her the same colour scheme as the male model but to also show the difference in the two genders when it comes to dressing for the genre. Also white and black are both different shades of the grey which is meant to be a main colour in the house style.

Reviewing My Second photo shoot

After taking some new photos of differing poses and multiple shot styles.

Due to the success of this photo shoot, I have been able to get this model to do another photo shoot with me in the future. We were able to take photos with included Dynamic shots, over the shoulder shots, casual shots, and many others! Hopefully, this will allow me to be able to use these as contents and DPS Photos which could be used as the main photos instead of side photos.

Creating my Contents page

After spending about 5-6 hours on this page I feel I have finished my Contents page at last. I decided to do my contents page first as this was the main one which could be done with the least time involved in it as not too much skill is needed compared to the other pages which includes a high photoshop skill for the Front Cover and a high English skill for the Double Page spread.

I chose the grey background as the house style includes blue and grey. The reason I did this is because blue is a very youthful colour with the grey bringing in age to merge the youth and the age together of the jazz genre.

I have left a black space because I will be putting an image there with some text as an extra contents area. If I can make it what I want to make it, it will be a competition and the only other alterations will be the word topic to be changed to actual topics. 'No' will be changed to page numbers. The 3 big blue boxes will be getting images inserted into them so that the featured topics have a little information added to them.