Friday 19 September 2014

Researching magazines 2

After researching the cover pages of professional magazines, I started to research contents pages so that I cold gain ideas for my contents page. I found two examples in which have given me ideas and extra tips for my own.
This contents page is from an actual sixth form magazine made by the students. This i good as it gives an idea as to what other people my age like to have in  contents page.One point I can make on this is that images is good as it can give extra information on what the topic is in case people get confused. This idea I will use.

The below contents page is from another sixth form magazine in which the college has been nominated for multiple rewards for their magazines.
I like this one as it shows how a contents page doesn't always have to be big and flashy. I will take this into account and make it seem basic. I may also include some basic news on the same page. just to give a more minimalistic feel to it.

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