Monday 22 September 2014

Photo Shoot Plan

To make my front cover as professional as I can make them, I will be taking a photo shoot to make sure that I get the best photo for my front cover. 
For my model, I will be using my friend, Shane Jackson, he will be having an elated as he will be doing this expression for the main topic, which is the college results. I will take one in the vale drama studio and one under a tree to symbolise the start of the growth into something special.
He will be wearing a Black tee and a grey hoodie. This is good as my colour scheme is yellow, blue, black and white.
To enhance his image, he will be having blusher applied and I will use brown eyeliner to help give the face a brighter look.
To make the picture even better and to also more appropriate, Shane will also be holding his results sheet to make it refer to the main topic.

1 comment:

  1. So pleased you are already considering the look and make up! heck your word choices ' he will be having an elated...?
