Monday, 29 September 2014
Photo Analysis
Monday, 22 September 2014
Drafts of music magazine
Photo Shoot Plan
Friday, 19 September 2014
Colour scheme
The colour scheme in which I would is of course yellow, blue, white and black. The college colours will be arranged in such a way on the front cover that the masthead colouring will be blue and the background colours will be a fade of black and white. The side text in which will denote the subjects or topics which will be included in the magazine. This will all be onto the background which will have a model student with a medium close-up photo.
Research and my updated ideas
After researching cover pages and contents pages, I have decided to have a front cover with two topics. The front cover will have the topics quite small so they don't draw attention away from the model on the front cover. The contents page will be of a minimalistic fashion with topics, page numbers and photos to give an understanding on the basic level. The colouring will be fixed to yellow, blue, black and white. This is because those are the colours of the college. I will upload my drafts to explain in a few days.
Researching magazines 2
This contents page is from an actual sixth form magazine made by the students. This i good as it gives an idea as to what other people my age like to have in contents page.One point I can make on this is that images is good as it can give extra information on what the topic is in case people get confused. This idea I will use.
Researching magazines
The magazine below is important as it is a professional college magazine targeted at American college students. This is appropriate as it is giving me an insight to what subjects they would have on the front page. It is also the first magazine to ever have an African-American person on the front cover (1968).
The magazine below is good as it is simple and doesn't give much away. This could be a selling point as people will pick it up and read whats inside. This could also be a negative as people aren't as likely to just pick up and read in this day and age. If the subject aren't on the front, people might just ignore it.
This magazine is good as it is very bright and appealing. The apple logo with the Barbed wire shows how that technology is still quite new and the barbed wire symbolises the unknown territory we have not gone to yet. The placement of the subjects is quite good as it doesn't bring attention away from the rest of the magazine cover. I may take tis idea into account later on.
Fonts for Masthead
I have put 12 fonts onto the word 'College Times' to see which was better... Here are my results!
After looking at these I think that I will use Hobo Std as the font for my Masthead.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Word Cloud
Here it is:
Initial ideas to the magazines
Friday, 12 September 2014
Evaluation of survey
For example, my questions were very open-ended leading to some irrelevant and offensive answers which had to be taken out. I can stop this from happening again by being more specific with my questions. I could even add fixed answers for people to choose from.
Slang has been seen in my presentation in multiple places causing it to appear less professional. I can solve this issue by using formal language with my presentation.
In some slides I have not explained the end result of that questions findings. This can cause people to get confused and not understand. I will solve this by giving an overview after every questions's results.
If I keep to these points then this can make my presentations even better and give them a more professional touch to them.
college magazine. Over the past few days I found 9 different people and asked them to fill in the survey to give me ideas of what to use.
I then looked at all my results and presented the results in a prezi.
Here is the prezi -
Monday, 8 September 2014
The Brief
Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style).
All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate(s), minimum of four images per candidate