Monday 26 January 2015

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

After going through all the institutions, I have found that Bauer and Mark Allen Group Business and leisure are  potential institutions for my media product.
  First of all, Bauer are a huge media company who have a wide variety of magazines who could potentially be looking for new projects which could potentially develop a large fan-base. The one problem with this idea is that Bauer are absolutely huge with a large portfolio of magazine franchises. This could cause the institution to not want to take on a new franchise as they already have a number of established franchises.

My other Institution in which I am going to do is Mark Allen Group (or MAG). I have chosen these as they are the the company who produce JazzWise. This is significant because JazzWise is the top selling Jazz magazine for the UK, which is where my Target Audience are from. Therefore, if I used MAG, they already have a following of people who are into the JazzWise magazine who cold have a look at this magazine. One issue with this is the idea that they won't take my products on board. The main reason as to why they wouldn't is because they already have an established Jazz magazine which is very successful so they may see it as a waste of time.

Overall, I believe that Mark Allen group will be the best institution for me to approach with my magazine. This is because Bauer already have a massive portfolio of magazines, which gives me a lot of competition to be a successful magazine compared to the Bauer magazines. Also, Mark Allen group already has a jazz magazine, even though their magazine is aimed at an older audience. This would compliment my magazine well as between them both, w can cover a wide age range when it comes to the target audience.

1 comment:

  1. Add to this - what is your final decision? Evaluate that decision - why is it the right one for your magazine?
